Services at Thermae range from skin rejuvenation, BOTOX®, lip injections, and anti-aging treatments to non-invasive fat reduction. 



Find the right service for your needs. Injectable treatments at Thermae help you take care of fine lines + wrinkles, fill and balance your lips, rejuvenate skin, and thicken hair.  Our highly experienced staff use only the best products and safest methods. We believe in providing  all treatments have been practiced and proven to maintain a younger more beautiful look.




Laser treatments at Thermae help you address a number of issues such as unwanted hair, age spots, skin tightening. Choose from an array of services or book a consultation to find out how thees non-invasive , safe, and effective treatments can help achieve the look you want. 

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Visit the Skin Bar at Thermae and speak with one of our knowledgeable staff to map out your skincare routine, find the right products, and recommendations for treatments such as microdermabrasion or peels. Every program is personalized to best suit your unique skin needs.

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CoolSculpting is a breakthrough procedure that safely and effectively eliminates fat without the cost, downtime and risk associated with surgery. During the procedure, a non-surgical applicator delivers precisely controlled cooling to the treatment area to selectively target treated fat cells, leaving surrounding tissue such as the skin unaffected. The CoolSculpting procedure cools fat cells to temperatures that trigger their natural death. Those cells are then eliminated naturally by the body over the following weeks and months.

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